List of Accepted Papers
Title: IND-CCA Secure Hybrid Encryption from QC-MDPC Niederreiter
Authors: Ingo von Maurich, Lukas Heberle, and Tim Güneysu
Title: RankSynd a PRNG Based on Rank Metric
Authors: Philippe Gaborit, Adrien Hauteville, and Jean-Pierre Tillich
Title: Applying Grover's Algorithm to AES: Quantum Resource Estimates
Authors: Markus Grassl, Brandon Langenberg, Martin Roetteler, and Rainer Steinwandt
Title: Post-Quantum Security of the CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, and XTS Modes of Operation
Authors: Dominique Unruh, Ehsan Ebrahimi Targhi, Gelo Noel Tabia,
and Mayuresh Vivekanand Anand
Title: Post-Quantum Security Models for Authenticated Encryption
Authors: Vladimir Soukharev, David Jao, and Srinath Seshadri
Title: Quantum Collision-Resistance of Non-Uniformly Distributed Functions
Authors: Ehsan Ebrahimi Targhi, Gelo Noel Tabia and Dominique Unruh
Title: An Efficient Attack on a Code-Based Signature Scheme
Authors: Aurélie Phesso and Jean-Pierre Tillich
Title: Vulnerabilities of "McEliece in the World of Escher"
Authors: Dustin Moody and Ray Perlner
Title: Cryptanalysis of the McEliece Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Polar Codes
Authors: Magali Bardet, Julia Chaulet, Vlad Dragoi, Ayoub Otmani, and Jean-Pierre Tillich
Title: Analysis of Information Set Decoding for a Sub-Linear Error Weight
Authors: Rodolfo Canto Torres and Nicolas Sendrier
Title: On the Differential Security of the HFEv- Signature Primitive
Authors: Ryann Cartor, Ryan Gipson, Daniel Smith-Tone, and Jeremy Vates
Title: Extension Field Cancellation: a New Central Trapdoor for Multivariate Quadratic Systems
Authors: Alan Szepieniec, Jintai Ding, and Bart Preneel
Title: Security Analysis and Key Modification for ZHFE
Authors: Ray Perlner and Daniel Smith-Tone
Title: Efficient ZHFE Key Generation
Authors: John B. Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Daniel E. Escudero, Jaiberth Porras-Barrera,
and Javier A. Verbel
Title: Additively Homomorphic Ring-LWE Masking
Authors: Oscar Reparaz, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede,
and Ruan de Clercq
Title: A Homomorphic LWE based E-voting Scheme
Authors: Ilaria Chillotti and Nicolas Gama and Mariya Georgieva and Malika Izabachène